Sunday, August 3, 2014

2014 US Open Day 6

The conclusion of the delegates meeting (for the USCF) was very interesting.  Some of the issues I expected to be controversial were not, but some that should not have been controversial became so, like changing the USCF rule about castling, where you now must touch the king first.  Touching the Rook first requires you to make a legal move with the Rook, if any exist.

The general joke ran something along the lines of, "We have the utmost confidence in ___'s competence," or something like that, whenever a motion or amendment became too picky.

I declined a draw offer in the 20s, & was validated in the Queen + Bishop ending when I picked off the Bishop & then advanced the passed pawn to induce resignation.  There were some errors along the way, but I got the job done to improve to 5 points out of 9 rounds.  I finished in 143rd place.

I came back to watch the playoff between the top two guys, GM Conrad Holt & IM Michael A. Mulyar.  Holt was Black in Round 9 vs. Mulyar.  Holt had the highest tiebreak, so he chose the White pieces.  White had 5 minutes, Black had 3 minutes & draw odds, but no delay on either side.  However, it became clear after the first two moves that Mulyar is not a blitz player as he never made up the time difference.  In fact, when Mulyar resigned, the time difference was more than two minutes.  Another GM recorded the game on the Monroi & the US Open website may have the game as well as pictures.

I uploaded my pictures so far to Facebook, but for those of you without Facebook, I will post a link to selected pictures from this trip.

This link should have all the games, partially annotated.

KEC's US Open Games - All Rounds

And this link contains the full standings.

US Open 2014 - Final Standings

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