Friday, August 1, 2014

2014 US Open Day 4

I went to CrossFit Kings Point to do the August 1 WOD.

After the workout, I had to laugh.  I did the cooldown, & finished between 910 & 920.  But due to my bad road luck, no cab came until 950am!!  I had called the cell phones of three cab drivers, & they were all an hour north!  It was bad enough that I debated walking the 2.5-3 miles west to Universal Boulevard in hopes of catching the I-Ride trolley back.

Round 6 was interesting.  My opponent offered a draw in a position where I had a winning move.  I ended up with a Queen vs. Rook & Bishop that I eventually converted.  My opponent saw the final checkmate & wanted to see me do it, so he allowed it.  Even if he didn't allow it, I had an unstoppable passed pawn by that point as any Rook coverage results in the Rook being lost to a Queen fork.

After that came lunch.  I was originally looking for Uno Pizzeria & Grill since I had never been there before.  However, I couldn't find it easily since I was on the wrong trolley stop.  I saw a restaurant called Twin Peaks & actually wondered what the appeal was.  I step in & realize that the waitresses wear...skimpier clothing than most waitresses.  But since I'm single & here, an occasional look can't hurt.  The food was okay, & I watched first Michelle Beadle on Sports Nation followed by the first few games of Steve Johnson vs. Milos Raonic.  My server was pretty accommodating in the food industry service sense, so I tipped her fairly well.  Heck, she offered a to-go cup so I wouldn't lose my soda after I was done.

I head back to the hotel & find out that I have been added as a Delegates' alternate for New Jersey.  On the way back, I saw plenty of interesting chess people - & by interesting, I mean known names for whatever reason in the USCF.

I had an even stranger Round 7.  My opponent had a cramped position, but when I tried to break through in the center, he sacrificed an exchange & made it difficult for me to operate.  Fritz 11 suggested several different moves, but I missed them all, gave back the exchange, & then dropped a piece.  I then did something I definitely never did before & wouldn't be surprised if it is extremely rare: I offered a draw, with my move being a move that put my opponent in double check!  He accepted on the spot, as the only path to avoid a sure draw or quick checkmate sees his King travel in a curved path from e7 to at least c4!

I saw a frog eating a snake on the way back from Sizzler.  I guess this is normal for Florida.

The following link should work for the first 7 rounds.

KEC's US Open Games - Rounds 1-7.

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