Wednesday, May 4, 2016

State No. 13 - Georgia

CDC Museum
The David J. Sencer Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Museum was a fun museum.  Admission is free & it takes about 60-90 minutes to go through the entire museum.  The first two levels (ground, 1 level below ground) have a lot of user-created maps, & the bottom level takes you through the history of the centers for disease control.

Civil Engineering (Walking Routes) Map! I would be excited to design this.

How food production errors cause bad things to happen. 

CrossFit Identity
They do a social question of the day in order to learn something new about members & drop ins.  The question of the day when I was there had to do with the last time you ate taco bell when you were sober.  (failing or absent any taco bell trips, any fast food)
High hang Squat Snatch
Masters Qualifier WOD #4 from 2016
55 Bar Facing Burpees, 34 OH Squats, 21 Muscle ups

After the workout, while I was waiting to get a T-shirt, I noticed that the Vending Machine had a Pure Protein Shake Can.  I tried it, & it is good.  It gave me the extra time I ended up needing in order to get food.

I wanted to go to Stone Mountain, but allergies acted up after the WOD & I was forced to check in to a nearby hotel & then go out to get dinner instead,

In going to get food, I saw at least ten & maybe twenty strip clubs & sex shops galore in less than a mile off Cheshire Bridge Road.  (No, gentleman's club is a phrase play fake that doesn't work.)  It should also be mentioned that I thought I saw 5 drunk driving defensive course locations along the same stretch.

Restaurant #1 was attire-restricted, Restaurant #2 had a loooooong line.
Restaurant #3 was Grindhouse.  Their sauce didn't taste good simply in terms of the ingredients don't taste well combined.

Emory University - The Tournament site.
The campus is entirely tobacco free.
This increased the beauty of the university, not that it was ugly to begin with.  

A sign to warn about distracted walking. 

Brick Paver Detectable Warning Surfaces

Nice Entance.

Tournament - Saturday Sunday
Stole a draw in Round 1, Won by time forfeit in an otherwise potential draw situation, narrowly avoided a checkmate & then rolling to a win in Round 3, Won in Round 4, Missed a winning advantage in Round 5 & settling for a draw.

Saw two fellow NJ players there, one of them was an assistant TD.  The other thought someone was a doppelganger of me!!
Full Results Here

After the Tournament, I went to Palookaville Fine Foods to try the a decadent delicious chocolate dessert in Atlanta

Another 50/50 decision in my favor in that they were closed for two months & just reopened the previous week.  Their milkshakes are very popular & for good reason!  I was amused that the owner/manager there was stunned that the milkshakes were so popular that they ran out of cup holders!!  The bartender was awesome there & I enjoyed a nice conversation while I downed lunch & savored my chocolate milkshake.

I'll conclude with milkshake pictures:


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