Thursday, July 31, 2014

2014 US Open Day 3

One of the things that is interesting is that you never know what will happen in each round.

My fourth round, I played a 1600+ player in which I didn't get any advantage in the middlegame.  I tried to force an endgame I wanted, but in doing so I dropped a pawn & nearly walked into a mate on the side of the board.  My saving grace was that the opposite colored Bishops allowed me to hold the position.

My opponent from the fourth round then lost his 5th round game in 28 minutes!!  He dropped a Bishop for nothing.  When I saw this to my immediate left, I couldn't help but wonder, "Why couldn't he have done this against me?"

My fifth round was worse than the fourth.  I blunder the opening position, allowing him to trade knights on c3 where the recapture was with the b-pawn instead of a Rook or the Queen.  Then, he offers a draw on the 25th move.  I saw what would happen with this game, but after he made his move (improperly offering a draw before moving) I declined it in frustration trying for more.  Nine moves later, the position is completely lost, & I'm scrambling for ways to save this game, when he offers a draw again!  I again ask him to make his move on the board first.  As soon as he plays his move, I jump & accept this offer.

As badly as I'm playing, I still have 2.5 points out of 5 rounds, so I really can't complain too much.

I found out between Rounds 4 & 5 that New Jersey might not have any delegates at the delegates meeting since one moved to California & the rest are unavailable.  The NJSCF board was helpful in this regard & it looks like I may be an actual delegate at the delegates meeting.  I'll post more on this tomorrow.

I apologize for the lack of the game scores so far - scattered internet & laptop not fully functional yet.  Links to the pgn games will be posted soon.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

2014 US Open Day 2

I played a Master (2200+) in Round 2.  He chose a line in the Scotch Gambit that was very unfamiliar, turning it into a position more commonly seen in the Ruy Lopez.  I got my center solidified at first, but then I overextended it & watched it collapse slowly but surely.  Even Bishops of opposite colors with a Rook on each side can't save a 3-pawn deficit.

In Round 3, I played a 1700+ player.  I declined an invitation into the French defense & then he declined an invitation into the Nimzo Indian, so we ended up in the Queen's Gambit Declined.  In this game, I couldn't get any middlegame advantage, & then I failed to get the ending I wanted.  My opponent missed a chance to maximize his winning chances, & then our exposed kings lead us to the repetition of position.

The full score of both games will be available soon...I am having connectivity issues on the road.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

2014 US Open Day 0 Extended & Day 1

Day 0 Extended will cover Sunday & Monday.  Day 1 covers Tuesday.

I flew down Sunday morning, & the rest of the family (parents, sister) flew down Sunday evening.

We went to both parks at Universal, including Islands of Adventure.  The experience was amazing, I hit most of the places & rides I wanted to do for Wizarding World of Harry Potter, with a bonus Hulk at the beginning & Men In Black after lunch.  I really loved the Hogwarts ride, & the Honeydukes/Zonko's shop, as evidenced by the treats I purchased.  

Selected pictures will be uploaded when I return home.

Day 1

I went out to CrossFit Kingspoint in Orlando, their original 8,000 square foot location with my sister via cab for the 9 am class.  Coach Roy was excellent in demonstrating specific improvements that we each needed to do.  

The workout today was 5 sets of 3 pull ups for the strength portion, followed by a 21-15-9 for time of Front Squats (115/75 pounds) & Pull ups.

At the moment, I can only do the blue band during the WOD.  However, I did challenge myself on the last three strength sets on the red band & found that I could do them.  I also did three attempts at the unassisted pull up.  My arms did tire & I had to switch to the ring rows at the end of the second set of the WOD, where I used 95 lbs for the front squat.

After lunch, my parents, sister, & I walked around for a little bit & then walked back to the hotel.

I took a nap & then felt nervous when I woke up.  I wanted to go out to eat for dinner, but the weather did not cooperate, sending cats & dogs down three times.  So I bought a salad at the hotel deli.  Needless to say it was cold & awful.  So, I bought two cliff bars expecting to eat them during the game.

On my way to the tournament room, I spot the T-shirt seller.  I see my name on the roster & ask for a medium shirt with a front logo & the roster in the back.  She is skeptical at first, but I took off my jacket & she remarked that the jacket made me look bigger than I actually was.

After getting my orange shirt, I put my jacket back on & head to the tournament room.  For the uninitiated, tournament rooms are typically cold with the air-conditioning running at or close to maximum power.  Over the years, I have found wearing a jacket or zipper sweater to be the most useful.

I look at my pairing & the rating difference is over 600/points lower.  I'm a little nervous because there is some added pressure to win with a big rating gap.

What is interesting about the US Open is that the organizers provide the boards & sets.  Usually in the US, players have to bring all of their own equipment.  However, here, you only have to bring the clock & your score keeping device!

My opponent transposes on the third move to a Queen's Gambit Declined, where I expected the NimzoIndian.  I traded off my dark Bishop early, but I was able to play Nge2 & castle.  After trading his last knight, he plays the anti-positional ...b5, ensuring that I have permanent control over c5 since his dark Bishop can't push the knight out, while the eventual trade leaves my Rook unopposed.

He tried to advance on the Queenside, but I stopped that with a4, knowing that a pawn trade invites my light bishop to hit the c6 pawn.  Playing b4 ends the Queenside counter advance & allows me to play vs the c6 pawn & or the king.

I end up lining the Queen & Rook on the 5th rank to snatch the a5-pawn.  When I relined my Queen & remaining Rook on the fifth rank, he sacrificed another pawn to separate my heavy pieces.  Fortunately, he used his kingside pawn cover & I started thinking of ways to checkmate him.  I used a simple linear mate & did it on move 34.

Full game score will be provided at a later date.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


My first name is Kevin.  I like playing chess, & I am attempting to play a rated chess tournament in all fifty states.

My stipulations are as follows:

  1. Absolutely avoid Presidents Day Weekend (US Amateur Team East in Parsippany, NJ) & absolutely avoid Labor Day Weekend (NJ Open).  Most other weekends are fair game.
  2. For new states, try to do one non-chess attraction or event.
  3. Minimum time control should be G/30.
  4. Try to get all 50 states done before I turn 50.  I have less than 20 years left.
  5. Try to visit the less popular states now while I am single.  I can always convince a family to go to California or Massachusetts, less likely Utah.
It will be interesting to see if I can do it.  If you have any suggestions on things to do/where to play, please let me know.
