Friday, January 2, 2015

Two quick updates

Utah Open, KEC's Round 5 Game

NJ's Newest Chess Master

Just a few updates on previous posts & one new topic that I didn't provide a link to.

1) I submitted my Round 5 game for publishing to the NJ Chess writers (Pete Tamburro & Steve Doyle), & it was published above.  Everything except Monroe Township appears to be in order.

2) The match against my DOCA Knights teammate Marvin Shumowitz is currently tied 2.5-2.5.  We moved up a Friday round due to the the fact that Marvin was unavailable on Friday nights in the months of January & February.  Round 6 will be tonight, Rounds 7 & 8 will be determined as we scramble to find an alternate day & site due to work.

3) There was an article about our newest NJ Chess Master published in November 2014.  I posted it on my facebook page, but forgot to post it here.  I was really happy she got to Master level.

Edited 2015.01.02 1520 to provide an explanation on why 5 games in the match have already been played.

Edited 2015.01.02 1602 to include the article on our newest NJ Chess Master.

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