Wednesday, September 27, 2023

State No. 35 - Oregon + Bonus Trip

First off, I want to apologize for the long delay. Usually I try to post within a week of my trip ending, but a perfect storm of many things hit, & I am not able to post until now.

This was an unusual trip.  Usually, most of my trips center around a state & a chess tournament, or two state s& two chess tournaments.  However, I wasn't able to find a tournament in Washington the week before or after the Oregon Open.  So, I decided to bookend the trip by visiting Mushroom Kingdom related places.  

I ended up going to Seattle first, did the Space Needle on Thursday, a Top Chef Restaurant Thursday Night, & the video game convention PAX West, & Nintendo Live.  I then drove down from PAX West directly to Portland to play in the Oregon Open. I spent a little time in & around Portland on Tuesday, then hopped on a Southwest flight Portland to Burbank.  I finished the trip with most of two days at Super Nintendo World in Universal Studios Hollywood before flying home.

If you wish to skip down to the actual Oregon/Chess Stuff, feel free to do so.  Otherwise, just enjoy the ride.

Trip Part 1 - Seattle

So, I touched down in Seattle on August 31 roughly 10:00 - 10:15 am local time (which is Pacific Time Zone), & I drove up north to the Space Needle.  I thought it was ridiculous of me to schedule an 11:45 am space needle visit since it was "only" 30 minutes driving north of Sea-Tac Airport, but there was a LOT of traffic around the airport.  It took me over 30 minutes mostly standing in line to get to a shuttle bus to go to the rental car counter, & then it took another 30 minutes to exit the rental car parking garage.  An accident had blocked the exit passageway & reduced traffic to one lane.  I began having some flashbacks to the Houston night traffic that I saw.

Traveling Note: Parking Garages in Downtown Seattle are expensive.  Look before you leap.  Street parking is there, but limited.  Have fun with that.

I made my way up to the Space Needle, & it was fun to look around the city from up high, as well as learn things about the construction of the Space Needle while waiting in line.  I took some videos & photos from the top & posted them on the following instagram links:

Daytime Views from the Space Needle

View of the Amazon HQ Office, according to the Space Needle

I did take some additional photos that the Space Needle sent to me via email, but I have not yet shared them yet, so you get to see it first here:

Basically, there were picture taking spots where they would impose you on the image.  Didn't have to pay, so I thought it would be cool to grab some.

After the Space Needle, I eventually made my way to Riot Athletics, where I ran into Cardio Thursdays, similar to Cardio Thursdays at home at CrossFit TreeHouse.

Visit to Riot Athletics

Pretty difficult workout, as rowing is my best of the four machines, but I gave it my best.  Fun coach & good classmates there.

I ended up going to a place called Kobo Pizza.  The restaurant is owned by Top Chef finalist Shota Nakajima, who I was really fond of during his season of Top Chef.  It's a small restaurant inside the Redhook Brewlab, so of course I felt nervous about being a dry twit (dry in this case meaning I don't drink alcohol) entering an alcoholic place, but I eventually found it.  I had some difficulty with the ordering system.  So, how the ordering system works, is you're supposed to read the QR code off the table stand into your phone, & you access the menu that way.  The computer stand near by was supposed to be for takeout orders only.  But the QR code wasn't working on my phone, so I just indicated to the staff that my order was for here rather than to go.

I ended up sitting at a table occupied by a woman who was visiting Seattle for work, but from Portland.  It ended up being a fun conversation over dinner.  (Even more fun than the random lunch conversation in Chicago where the woman I talked to joked about diets before revealing she is a dietician from Las Vegas if you remember that.)  She was able to give me suggestions for places to do & things to eat in Portland, & I think I ended up taking her advice on at least one of them.

I never posted a picture of my pizza, mainly because I forgot to take one, but I had the Kimchi Pineapple Pie, which was really good.  (Side note, if anyone tells you pineapple doesn't belong on pizza, that's fine - give me that person's pineapple pizza lol.).

Friday, September 1 - Nintendo Live

So I had a one-day ticket to PAX West & was lucky enough to be selected to go to Nintendo Live.  

Nintendo Live Pictures 1

Nintendo Live Pictures 2

It was really huge, & I got to do lots of stuff, including try out Super Mario Bros. Wonder.  It was kind of funny that I as Fire Luigi picked Daisy as my character for the 15-minute trial period, but I am sure my character's girlfriend (Yes I ship Daisy & Luigi, & there is canon evidence to boot of their relationship if you look through the video games & the dialogue) would approve as this will be the 4th time I get to main Daisy (Mario Kart Double Dash, Super Mario Party, Mario Golf Super Rush).  

I believe I uploaded to my instagram page the PAX West 2023 Stories, which included a few funny videos I got to do.  I don't know how to link directly to the story collection, but if you can find my instagram page (thekecmaster), you should see it.

My only regrets were I could have spent more time at Nintendo Live (only an hour), & the line for the pop up shop was already an hour & 15 minutes.  It was still better than when my friends made it to Nintendo Live on Monday of that weekend as the pop up store line was 3 hours & the items I would have liked for them to buy were apparently gone.  I wrote a note to myself to maximize my next trip to the Mushroom Kingdom as much as possible.

I rejoined my friends to continue walking around the rest of PAX West, & I gotta say, the event is so huge that we walked to different buildings.  There were a couple of things that bothered me before I left: 1) We saw all of 1 person cosplaying Mario.  Heck, we saw more Warios, Waluigis, Boosettes, & Toads, than we did of Mario!! 2) I didn't appear to find the video game fan artists I was expecting.  I brought a binder with me on the trip expecting to purchase video game fan art, but didn't find any!  Ah well, there's always another convention I can do so at.

This was my haul from Nintendo Live.

Trip - Part 2 - Foxy Cafe, Tacoma, Washington

I left PAX West just after 4pm & started driving down to Portland from Seattle.  I figured that I would visit a bikini cafe /restaurant on my way down, since it makes no sense that I visited a bikini coffee shop in Arizona & none in Seattle where the craze seems to have started.  I ended up going to Foxy Lady Bikini Bar.  Nothing special, although I forgot to change out of my Fire Luigi costume.  I did consent to a few pictures being taken there, so if you see a picture of Fire Luigi at Foxy Lady Bikini Bar...that might have been me.

Additional problem was the overalls got extra smell from smokers outside & some idiot throwing up less than 20 feet near me.

Trip - Part 3 - Portland, Oregon

I continue the drive, & as I get to Portland, I call up the Hotel asking about Parking.  They said that Valet Parking was 57 dollars a night (or whatever the amount was, I just know it began with a 5) & do not park in the parking garage behind them as that a car was just stolen the night before.  I knew people before the trip told me Portland was bad, but when you have a hotel tell you where not to park because of a carjacking, that can't be a good sign.

By the way, the Moxy, where I stayed at, is a bar first & then a hotel.  The bar doubles as the check in point.  I walked right by the hotel before realizing this.  Oops.  Now, I am still dressed up as Fire Luigi, having made the decision to drop my stuff off on the 11th floor (thank you for giving me a high room or bar noises may have kept me awake), I decide to get my signature fake drink, ginger ale with no ice & an orange slice.

Some random woman flags me over...& I wish I had ignored her.  After commenting on the Luigi getup for a little bit, she starts talking so explicitly that even porn stars & other adult entertainers would be blushing.  I didn't even bother the getting to know the name stage, though I do feel bad for her friend, who was thoroughly horrified.  I just looked at my drink & did not finish it, fearing that there was something in it.

Saturday, Sept. 2

I woke up sick - I started coughing quite a bit.  I took a quick detour before the first round to a random CVS & bought some COVID-19 tests.  Thankfully, it was negative, so I could play.  (By the way, getting sick on vacation is no fun - how are you supposed to vacation?  You should be getting sick while working, because you can now work from home in some industries.)  I didn't play great, but I managed two draws in my first two rounds.  The Chief TD held a players-only reminder of the rules, etc. 15 minutes before the start of Round 1.  He was explicit & clear, & I felt he would be a good chief tournament director, unlike the person at the 2022 NJ Open who shall remain nameless.  We did not have any round start more than 10 minutes late, & we did not have to skip an entire round. (Yes, both of those happened in 2022 at the NJ Open - a 4.5 hour delay for Round 1 on Saturday.  Thank goodness I opted to play the two-day schedule last year.)

As I was walking to dinner, I did see a funny sign that I had to take a picture of

They named the app for parking a Parking Kitty App in Portland!  That is cute & awesome at the same time.  It's just unfortunate that there was some extra graffiti applied to this sign, but man, I know cats & cat lovers out there would love this, as well as any culture that worships cats.

I walked around to one of the places my unexpected dinner partner (by the way, not a date) at Kobo recommended: Jojo, where I ended up getting the Fried Chicken Melt sans Ranch & a non-alcoholic Ginger beer.  I loved how the recommendation worked out - fantastic.  I then stopped by the Cookie Dough Cafe on my way back to have Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough with Oreo Pieces on top!.

On my way back to the Moxy, Ms. explicit drunk woman wasn't there, so I felt very relieved.  There was a much more attractive woman wearing pink pants, but as she was working the bar/concierge desk, I knew better than to flirt with her.  (There is a reason I bring her up & it will come up later.)

Just before Round 3, the Chief TD indicated that they raised prized by 50% due to bigger turnout than expected.  Here was a picture of the updated prizes:

On Sunday, I played a game that my opponent kind of made easy for me, winning in 31 moves due to bad piece placement on her part. (Apologies for not using Stockfish - I haven't installed it on my new machine yet.)

[Event "Oregon Open"] [Site "Portland"] [Date "2023.09.03"] [Round "3"] [White "Chen, Kevin E."] [Black "Li, Emma Shurong"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C68"] [WhiteElo "1800"] [BlackElo "1519"] [Annotator "Chen, Kevin E."] [PlyCount "65"] [EventDate "2023.09.02"] [EventType "swiss"] [EventRounds "6"] [EventCountry "USA"] [SourceVersionDate "2023.01.07"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Bxc6 {This is probably one of my favorite variations, where I try to put my Knight to work against the opposing Bishop & work an eventual 4-on-3 kingside majority.} dxc6 5. O-O Bd6 (5... Bg4 6. h3 h5 {is the variation that gives Black a lot of chances.}) 6. d4 Qe7 7. dxe5 Bxe5 8. Nxe5 {Might as well get rid of one of the two Bishops.} Qxe5 9. Nc3 Nf6 10. Qe2 O-O 11. h3 b5 12. a3 Bb7 13. f4 Qe7 14. e5 Nd5 15. Ne4 {I did not want to play opposite color Bishops.} Rfe8 16. Re1 Rad8 (16... c5 17. Be3 Nxe3 18. Qxe3 c4 {was probably better, keeping lines of communication for his Bishop's long diagonal open.}) 17. Be3 {to take the c5-square & restrict his Bishop.} Nxe3 18. Qxe3 Rd5 19. b4 Red8 20. Nc5 Bc8 21. Re2 a5 22. c3 a4 23. Rae1 h5 24. Qf2 Bf5 25. e6 Rd1 (25... fxe6 26. Nxe6 Bxe6 27. Rxe6 {activates my Rook}) (25... Bxe6 26. f5 {wins a piece}) 26. exf7+ Qxf7 27. Rxd1 Rxd1+ 28. Re1 Rxe1+ 29. Qxe1 {I thought an ending with Queen & Knight vs Queen & Bishop would be better than Rook & Knight vs Rook & Bishop. But if all the heavies come off safely, I feel like I can win pretty easily.} g6 (29... Qa2 $4 30. Qe8+ Kh7 31. Qxh5+ Kg8 32. Qxf5) 30. Qe5 {[#]} Bc8 $4 {this undoes some protections & sets up some targets} ({Deep Fritz 14 x64: 1)} 30... Qd5 31. Na6 Qxe5 32. fxe5 Kf7 33. Nc5 g5 34. Kf2 Ke7 35. Kf3 Bc8 36. Ke4 h4 37. Kd4 Be6 38. Ke4 Bd5+ 39. Kf5 Bxg2 40. Kxg5 Bxh3 41. Kxh4 Bc8 42. Kg5 Kf7 43. Kf4 Kg6 44. Ke3 Kf7 45. Ne4 Ke7 46. Kd4 {0.34/26}) ({Deep Fritz 14 x64: 2)} 30... Qa2 31. Qe8+ Kg7 32. Qxc6 Qxa3 33. Qxc7+ Kg8 34. Qd8+ Kg7 {0.55/25}) 31. Qe4 {three targets (c6-e6-g6) Black's Queen can't defend them all} Qf6 32. Qe8+ Qf8 33. Qxg6+ 1-0

In the end, either her Bishop falls or her pawns on the Kingside get wiped out.

At some point in the early stage of Round 3, there were a few disturbances from the open section where supposedly there was a homeless man in the room & someone throwing water in to the air & hitting players.  I don't know the full story, but I definitely heard things.  Also, someone started kept stealing the extra results posting sheet the TDs posted.  Let's back up - The TDs posted one pairing/result sheet on the wall between the U2000 & the Open, & another pairing/result sheet on the table in front of the Open Section. I think it was a mistake for the TDs to let players post the results on the table sheet, as going forward there was always missing results.  The Chief instructed players to write results on both pairing/result locations, but that was definitely not done & that paper pairing/results sheet on the table was always stolen in each and every round after!

By the way, I ate at Denny's in between Rounds 3 & 4.  Another sign that you are in a bad place - there are signs telling customers not to bring backpacks into the bathroom.  I can tell you I have never seen that sign anywhere that I can recall ever being in, like New York, Newark, Cream Cheese City, Houston, Atlanta, Charlotte.  It's probably a sign that people are going into the restrooms to do drugs, but man that was unsettling to see.

I played better in Round 4 as well, but I misplayed a situation & ended up having to take a draw.  I'm still kicking myself for not grabbing the exchange, but I thought that his Bishop at the time was more dangerous than the Rook.  I'll show the position only down below.

R4 Bhaskaran-Chen After 24. Be4

That night, I noticed that my room, while it had a rotary phone, had a special button - Press Here for bedroom stories.

I was curious as to what bedroom stories would be told, so I decided to press this button.  Miss Pink Pants (I recognized her voice from a previous night, just never knew her name) answered the phone & informed me that yeah, the button simply calls down to the concierge desk.  No actual stories told.  That button was for a prior time.  Yeah, I was blushing when I apologized for that unnecessary call the next morning.

On Monday, I lost a heartbreaker in Round 5, which took me out of the prize money, but at least I finished Round 6 with a win, closing out the tournament with a winning record.

[Event "Oregon Open"] [Site "Portland"] [Date "2023.09.04"] [Round "6"] [White "Iyengar, Varun Venkat"] [Black "Chen, Kevin E."] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "D02"] [WhiteElo "1565"] [BlackElo "1800"] [Annotator "Chen, Kevin E."] [PlyCount "148"] [EventDate "2023.09.02"] [EventType "swiss"] [EventRounds "6"] [EventCountry "USA"] [SourceVersionDate "2023.01.07"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Bf4 Bf5 4. e3 e6 5. Nf3 Bd6 6. Ne5 a6 7. Bd3 {With this Bishop trade the Knight on e5 has less power.} Bxd3 8. cxd3 c5 9. dxc5 Bxc5 10. d4 Bd6 11. O-O O-O 12. Rc1 Qe7 13. h3 Nbd7 14. Qf3 h6 15. Rfd1 Rac8 16. a3 Rc7 17. Ra1 Rfc8 18. Rd2 Nb6 19. Rad1 {[#]} Nc4 {I didn't realize I could take on a3 right away.} ({Deep Fritz 14 x64:} 19... Bxa3 20. Ng4 (20. Ng6 fxg6 21. Bxc7 Rxc7 22. bxa3 Rxc3) 20... Rc6 21. Nxf6+ Qxf6 22. Nxd5 Nxd5 23. bxa3 b5 24. Qg4 Nxf4 25. exf4 Rd6 26. Qf3 Rd5 27. Rd3 Rc4 28. Qe3 Qd8 29. Qe4 Qd6 30. R1d2 Rf5 31. Qa8+ Kh7 32. g3 Rc1+ 33. Kg2 Qd5+ 34. Qxd5 Rxd5 {-0.94/22}) 20. Nxc4 Rxc4 21. Bxd6 Qxd6 22. e4 Qc6 ({Deep Fritz 14 x64:} 22... Rxc3 23. bxc3 Nxe4 24. Rd3 Qb6 25. Re3 Qa5 26. Rxe4 dxe4 27. Qxe4 b5 28. Qb7 Rc7 29. Qa8+ Kh7 30. d5 exd5 31. Qxd5 Qxa3 32. Qf5+ g6 33. Qf6 Qxc3 34. Qxa6 Qe5 35. Qa1 Qxa1 36. Rxa1 b4 37. Rb1 Rc4 38. Kf1 {-1.08/25}) 23. e5 Ne4 24. Nxe4 {offered draw here} dxe4 25. Qe3 Rc1 26. Kh2 Rxd1 27. Rxd1 Qd5 28. Rd2 Rc4 29. Kg1 a5 30. Kh2 a4 31. Kg1 {offered another draw here} b5 32. Kh2 Kh7 33. Kg1 g5 ({Deep Fritz 14 x64:} 33... b4 34. f3 exf3 35. gxf3 Kg8 36. Kf2 b3 37. Qe4 {-0.94/25}) 34. Kh2 b4 35. axb4 Rxb4 36. Qc3 Rc4 37. Qe3 Kg6 38. h4 f6 39. h5+ Kg7 (39... Kxh5 40. exf6 Kg6 41. Qh3 {was something specific I did not know how to handle.} Qf5 { is given by the machine, but the Rook ending isn't as easy as the computer makes it out to be.}) 40. g3 {this kid kept offering draws!!} f5 41. Qa3 Kf7 42. Qe3 Ke8 43. Rd1 Rc2 44. Rd2 Qb3 45. Rxc2 (45. Qxb3 axb3 46. Rxc2 (46. Rd1 Rxf2+ 47. Kg1 Rxb2) 46... bxc2 {would have been a very fun way to win this game }) 45... Qxc2 46. d5 exd5 47. e6 {[#] I cursed, as I realized I would have to let him take the a-pawn so I can stop mate} Qc6 48. Qd4 Qxe6 49. Qxa4+ Ke7 ( 49... Kf7 {Notation error...I wrote Kf7 in my scoresheet but that didn't make sense later.}) 50. Qd4 f4 51. gxf4 gxf4 52. Qg7+ Kd6 {[#] Plan: eat the h5-pawn, then work the middle pawns.} 53. Qf8+ Ke5 54. Qb8+ Qd6 55. Qh8+ Kf5 56. Qh7+ Kg5 57. Qg7+ Kxh5 58. b4 d4 59. Qf7+ Kg5 60. Qg7+ Kf5 61. Qf7+ Ke5 62. Qh5+ Ke6 63. Qxh6+ Kd5 64. Qg5+ Kc4 65. Qf5 f3+ 66. Kh3 Qd5 67. Qf8 d3 {[#]} 68. Qc8+ {I knew to keep checking me to stop playing the d-pawn, the b-pawn would have to be given up} Kxb4 69. Qc1 d2 70. Qd1 Qh5+ 71. Kg3 Qg5+ 72. Kh3 Qg2+ 73. Kh4 Qxf2+ 74. Kg5 Qe1 0-1

I went to Multnomah Falls on Tuesday (Sept. 5).  It was a really nice hike to reach the top of the waterfall.  I had a hard time taking pictures up top (heights), but I managed a few extra ones I never posted before, so here you go.

From the Parking Lot

Near the bottom of the trail

Near the top of the falls


Back view at the top

The top of the falls

Looking out over the Columbia River

After a quick stop for lunch, I went back to the heart of downtown to go inside Powell's City of Books.  It is a fascinating place, with aisles color coded & such.  I regret timewise that I only had about half an hour to spend before I needed to get to the airport (& pick up a replacement Nintendo Switch charger, my first lost fumble of the trip, along the way to PDX), but I did manage to pick up four or five books so, I guess there's that.

States I have played in - updated 2023.09.23

Win-Loss State Map - Updated 2023.09.23

Combined Playing & Results Map - Updated 2023.09.23

And with the Chess Maps put up, that officially ends #StateNo35 for #fiftystatesofchess, but if you wish to hear the rest of the trip, read on.

Trip - Part 4 - Burbank

After flying in to Burbank, I tried to call up my hotel to double check if they had a shuttle bus from Burbank airport to the hotel.  Unfortunately, the powers of my traveling bad luck decided to strike at that exact point as the phones were out for roughly 15 minutes at the hotel.  Hearing no pickups within the 5-7 minutes, I called a lyft instead.  When I got to the hotel, they apologized for the communication issue & comped me a pair of water bottles & some snacks, which made up for it.

On Wednesday, September 6, I left the hotel early dressed in my blue Toad Reverse color hat, Super Mario blue shirt, & Super Mario zipper sweater from CrossFit Treehouse (Thanks everyone!) with my blue Toad normal hat as a spare. I got to Universal Hollywood at 7:15 expecting to join a line, but instead I was near the front!  It turns out that the hours I read in trip preparation must have been the summer hours & that the park (now in Fall Hours) wouldn't open for early access to Super Nintendo World until 9am. I just asked security if I could wait by the scanning machines & they said sure.  At 7:30 they started letting people go through the scanning machines, & you can now take selfies by the Universal Studios globe they set up (pictured below) while waiting for the park to open.

Interestingly, they started making announcements & stuff, & they finally opened the park at 8:30am to the early access entrants.  (I played Mario Kart Tour on the mobile phone for most of that time while waiting.)  It does take a while to talk down to Super Nintendo World, so they have staggered points - walk to a point, stop, then walk to another point, stop, etc.  

You finally get close, & you realize you have reached your destination when you hear the music just before walking through the pipe that takes you in.  

Lots of people went straight to the Bowser's Mario Kart Challenge as that line tended to be the longest.  I veered left & grabbed a Power Up Band, a colorful watch-like device that keeps track of your actions in the park.  So every time you punched a block, or did some other recordable action, you would accumulate points & keys (hopefully) toward a score.  One of the games needs three keys to unlock, but you can get a key in more than 3 ways at a time.  I think if you do it right you can at least 5 keys going through everything one round at a time.  Each of those games, assuming the same wristband starts the game, gets harder as you win at it.

I selected a Toad Power-up Band, as I cosplay Toad the most often, I use Toad the most where speed matters (Super Mario Brothers 2, Super Mario Run), & I have the most Toad Hats (at least 16).  They do have Power-Up Bands for Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, & Yoshi.  Once you select your band & do the configuration, you join that character's team.  

The eyes on the end just get me lol.

Here are a few screenshot pics from the app:

Some Stamps are repeatable

Map to help you find things you haven't done yet.  

I ended up repeating this all but once, & only because my left arm wasn't registering.

There are some stamps in the 131 I can never get, but that's okay.  I ended up getting 19 more on Thursday.
Thursday Mario Kart different it is when you learn where the fire buttons are lol.

I got really lucky to eat at Toadstool Cafe both days.  First two foods eaten on Wednesday.  Warning: Reserve quickly as they run out of room!

Yoshi's Favorite Fruit and Veggie Salad(VG)

Fire Flower Spaghetti & Meatballs

Toadstool Cheesy Garlic Knots(VG)

Mario Burger (Bacon, Mushroom & Cheese)

Princess Peach Cupcake(VG)

Hat wasn't edible, but the Crown was.

This is the selfie I meant to post online on the gram, but I selected the wrong one.

Needless to say, I had a lot of fun at Super Nintendo World.  I know there were things that didn't work, but overall I think they did a good job to cover the range of the Mario diehards & the Mario rookies.

From Thursday, when I wore the reversed color Toad hat!

One of the very few quips - You could play Where's Daisy & Where's Rosalina in this park.

Fire Mario Hat for kicks

I did also get to see the Studio Tour, though I only took pictures at the cars (See the last three pictures in the post), & Harry Potter World (first few pictures in the post), where I bought a Ravenclaw scarf.  I sadly lost my Ravenclaw hat, which annoys me.

I met up with my friend Hya over the break, & we ate at Lucifer's Pizza on Magnolia Boulevard on that Wednesday night.

Meat Lover's Pizza

And that concludes my trip!  

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

State No. 34 - South Dakota

For those of you new to this blog, welcome!  I detail the chess tournament, one or two games I played, & anything else I encountered within a particular state from a trip.

For most of my travels in South Dakota, please see the previous post where I covered North Dakota non-chess items as well.  We're going to cover in this post the tournament, & last minute sightseeing on that Monday before I traveled home.

The Paul Salem Sioux Falls Open was run pretty well. The first round was delayed 15 minutes due to a few late registrants, but nothing terrible.

In this tournament, there was an unusual way for reporting results that I had never seen before in any of the previous 33 states.  It was so unusual I had to take a few pictures of it.

So, the players have to fill out the information on the card - names, round, section, & result.  The cards had different colors for each section. Players submit this along with one of the copies of the scoresheet to the director. Of all the tournaments I have played in over the previous 33 states, only the US Amateur Team East has a separate reporting card, & no other individual tournament has a separate result card that I can recall.  It's an interesting attempt to have backup to illegible scoresheets in order to verify results entered in the chess tournament computer files.  We'll see if other states have this, but if other states have this, please let me know & I will update this stat.

So, in Idaho 2022, I saw one of my opponents from a previous tournament, Eric Hon (Utah 2014).  I played against Todd Wolf (US Open 2016 in Indiana) North Dakota the previous weekend. Here in South Dakota, I saw three famous people - Dane Zagar, organizer of the 2022 US Amateur North in Minnesota where the Masters was a side event; GM Fidel Corrales Jimenez, who I played in Idaho in Round 2, & Megan Chen, another chess player featured earlier this year in Chess Life as she also tries to play chess in every state in this country! South Dakota is her 44th state, so I wish her luck in her quest as she will likely finish her 50th state before I do.

I didn't do very well in this tournament.  In fact, I did the opposite - fail to record a win for the second state in my career (Maryland).  I finished with two losses & two draws (had a 2nd round full point bye), making this the third state (Pennsylvania, New York) with a multiple game deficit under .500.  I guess I will have to come back to try to even this out.

I hallucinated a position in Round 1, dropping a piece cleanly for nothing, which turned into an exchange-down ending I could do nothing in.  I got the full point bye in Round 2, & then I ended up facing Megan in Round 3

[Event "Sioux Falls Open"] [Site "Sioux falls"] [Date "2023.04.22"] [Round "3"] [White "Chen, Kevin E."] [Black "Chen, Megan"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "D32"] [WhiteElo "1822"] [BlackElo "1803"] [Annotator "Chen,Kevin E."] [PlyCount "106"] [EventDate "2023.04.22"] [EventType "swiss"] [EventRounds "5"] [EventCountry "USA"] [SourceVersionDate "2023.01.07"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. dxc5 {I wasn't prepared for advancing the pawn directly here, so I took the pawn instead. This isn't common, but I did beat NM Arthur Feuerstein in 18 moves once with this opening.} e6 ({I stunned Feuerstein in 2009 (only the moves provided - my commentary & the variations are not & may be a separate post in the future) as follows:} 3... Na6 4. Nc3 Nxc5 5. g3 a5 6. Bg2 g6 7. Nh3 Bg7 8. O-O O-O 9. Nf4 d6 10. Qc2 a4 11. Nfd5 e6 12. Nxf6+ Qxf6 13. Bf4 Rd8 14. Rfd1 a3 15. Bxd6 Rxd6 16. Rxd6 axb2 17. Qxb2 Qxc3 18. Rd8+ { deflecting the g7-Bishop from protecting the Queen 1-0}) 4. Nf3 Bxc5 5. e3 { I am sure there are other ways of protecting against ...Ng4, but I did not seem to mind this one.} d5 6. Nc3 O-O 7. cxd5 {Played not necessarily to give the isolated pawn but rather to avoid having to move the Bishop twice if she initiates the capture on d4.} exd5 8. Be2 Nc6 9. O-O Bf5 10. b3 Rc8 11. Bb2 d4 12. exd4 (12. Na4 d3 (12... b6 13. Nxc5 bxc5 14. exd4 cxd4 15. Nxd4 Nxd4 16. Qxd4) 13. Nxc5 dxe2 14. Qxe2 b6 15. Rad1 Qe7 16. Nd3) 12... Nxd4 13. Nxd4 Bxd4 14. Rc1 a6 {Megan didn't like this move. I didn't like it either, but I wasn't sure how she planned to meet Bf3.} 15. Bf3 Bxc3 16. Rxc3 Rxc3 17. Bxc3 Ne4 18. Bb4 Re8 19. Re1 $2 (19. Qxd8 Rxd8 20. Re1 {is legitimate, as a future ...Rd1+ is met by Re1 for the time being.}) 19... Qb6 20. Bxe4 Qxb4 21. f3 Qb6+ 22. Kf1 {moving to the corner reintroduces back rank troubles.} Bxe4 23. Rxe4 (23. fxe4 {allows Black to gang up on the e4-pawn.}) 23... Rxe4 24. fxe4 Kf8 25. Qd3 Qc7 26. g3 {I don't remember all the rules for pawn placement in Queen endings, but I doubt placing them all on White squares to ghost opposing dark clerics will work versus the Queen. Better to limit the range of the far-reaching lady. } Qc1+ 27. Ke2 Ke7 28. Qd5 {with the Queen & the pawn in a mutual protection scenario, I am free to take a King Walk as I see fit. Kb6 would be golden if I could get it.} Qc2+ 29. Kf3 Qc3+ 30. Kg4 Qc8+ 31. Kf4 Qc1+ 32. Ke5 Qg5+ 33. Kd4 Qd2+ 34. Kc5 Qf2+ 35. Kb4 Qb6+ {this felt wrong. Keep checking from the back & I can't make progress.} ({Stockfish 15: 1)} 35... Qe1+ 36. Kc4 Qf1+ 37. Kb4 { 0.00/45}) ({Stockfish 15: 2)} 35... Qb6+ 36. Kc4 Qc7+ 37. Kd4 f6 38. a4 b6 39. e5 Qc2 40. exf6+ Kxf6 41. Qe5+ Kf7 42. Qf4+ Ke6 43. Qe4+ Qxe4+ 44. Kxe4 a5 45. Kd4 Kd6 46. Kc4 Kc6 47. b4 axb4 48. Kxb4 g5 49. h3 h5 50. g4 hxg4 51. hxg4 Kb7 52. Kb5 Kc7 53. Kc4 Kc6 {0.00/45}) 36. Kc4 Qc7+ 37. Kd4 Qd6 (37... Qb6+ 38. Qc5+ Qxc5+ 39. Kxc5 {should be winning for me.}) 38. Qxd6+ Kxd6 39. e5+ Kc6 { this felt wrong.} 40. a4 b6 41. b4 h6 {this felt wrong, but I didn't capitalize on this.} 42. g4 ({Stockfish 15: 1)} 42. Kc4 f5 43. exf6 gxf6 44. g4 Kd6 45. Kd4 Ke6 46. Ke4 a5 47. b5 Kd6 48. Kf5 Kc5 49. h4 Kb4 50. Kxf6 Kxa4 51. g5 h5 52. g6 Kxb5 53. g7 a4 54. g8=Q Ka5 55. Ke5 Kb4 56. Qd5 b5 57. Kf5 a3 58. Qa2 Ka4 59. Ke5 Kb4 {10.97/24}) ({Stockfish 15: 2)} 42. Ke4 h5 43. Kd4 g5 44. Kc4 a5 45. b5+ Kd7 46. Kd5 g4 47. Kd4 Ke7 48. Ke3 Kd7 49. Kf4 Ke6 50. Ke4 Kd7 51. Kf5 Ke7 52. Kg5 Ke6 53. Kxh5 Kxe5 54. Kxg4 Kd5 55. h4 Kc4 56. h5 Kb4 57. h6 Kxa4 58. h7 Kxb5 59. h8=Q a4 60. Qf8 f6 61. Qxf6 {10.23/24}) 42... g6 43. h4 ({ Stockfish 15:} 43. a5 Kb5 (43... bxa5 44. bxa5 Kb5 45. Kd5 Kxa5 46. Kd6 Kb5 47. Ke7 a5 48. Kxf7 a4 49. e6 a3 50. e7 a2 51. e8=Q+) 44. Kd5 bxa5 45. bxa5 Kxa5 46. Kd6 Kb4 47. Ke7 a5 48. Kxf7 a4 49. e6 a3 50. e7 a2 51. e8=Q a1=Q 52. Qe4+ Kb3 53. h4 g5 54. Qe6+ Kc2 55. Qe2+ Kb3 56. h5 Qh8 57. Kg6 Kc3 58. Qf2 Kd3 59. Qf6 Qg8+ 60. Kxh6 Ke2 61. Qf5 Ke1 62. Qf3 Qd8 63. Qf7 Ke2 64. Kg6 Qd3+ 65. Qf5 Qd6+ 66. Kxg5 Qe7+ 67. Qf6 Qe3+ 68. Kh4 Ke1 69. g5 Qe4+ 70. Kg3 {6.79/24}) 43... Kc7 44. Kd5 Kd7 45. b5 a5 46. g5 h5 47. Kd4 Kc7 {first draw offer} 48. Ke4 Kd8 49. Kd4 Ke7 50. Kd5 Kd7 51. Kd4 Ke7 52. Kd5 Kd7 53. Kd4 Ke7 1/2-1/2

After the game, Megan & I got together for a quick picture & had a brief conversation (it was already 10pm CDT after we finished) about our respective journeys & states left.

In Round 4, I faced a player who was apparently well known for time trouble (he admitted it after the game). At least three times, he made a move & then waited several minutes until he punched the clock.  (To non-chess tournament players, if your move doesn't create checkmate, stalemate, or an immediate draw based on insufficient material left on both sides (e.g. King vs King), you must complete your move by punching the clock, which is the act of stopping your clock & starting your opponent's clock simultaneously.)  The game went back & forth a few times, & we both executed beautiful knight sacrifices in the game. Unfortunately, he did checkmate me on Move 51, so I jokingly said, "You don't have to punch the clock now."

In Round 5, I used an exchange variation of the Ruy Lopez on my opponent, but he correctly traded his Bishop for my Knight & I couldn't find a win in the King & pawn ending. Bonus sign this tournament wasn't going well for me - My 4th round opponent lost his 5th round game in 5 moves. (1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. h4 e6?? 5. g4 & he resigned as the Bishop is trapped.)

In an unusual move, my flight departing Sioux Falls didn't board until 10:32 am CDT or something like that.  Since I solved my North Dakota trophy problem by successfully playing tetris with my carryon the night before, I had a little bit of extra time to go for last minute sightseeing. I tried look at some sculptures along sculpturewalk, & I checked out Arc of Dreams. I also found primary & secondary truck route signs that I had never seen before.  You may check out these pictures Part 1 & Part 2 of my last minute sightseeing.

So, despite the lack of performance in South Dakota, overall, this was a very fun 10-11 day trip, I won a little money & a trophy, & I made a few new friends.  

Here is the combined map, simplified to try to use the 6 Toad colors from Super Mario Run mobile game (or to try to use the primary & secondary colors)

And that concludes State No. 34 for #fiftystatesofchess

Friday, April 21, 2023

State No. 33 & State No. 34 - Non-Chess Traveling Parts

I wrote most of the last post & this post this morning, the Friday the 21st of April, the day before the South Dakota Chess Tournament & incidentally, Princess Daisy's birthday today (Happy birthday Princess Daisy!)

Here is some artwork I commissioned a long ago from Instagram artist ogart64

I know it's a Christmas one, but it is one of my favorite art pieces that I ordered on commission.  To see some other Daisy screenshots from Mario Kart Tour, please see this Instagram post.

The way I arranged this trip is a little different since I am covering two states over the span of 10+ calendar days. I flew into Bismarck on Friday, & didn't get to do any sightseeing with the tournament the next day. I did get to do a drop-in at CrossFit Tertiary with Coach Bowen, & pictures may be seen from this Instagram post. I got lucky enough to watch Coach Bowen & two others perform an online competition test, 7 minutes of Burpees to a Target 6 inches above the athlete's reach.

After the Chess Tournament, I drove over to the Heritage Art Tunnel & the Bismarck Capitol Monument. 

After this, I drove west to Dickinson, & after dropping off my luggage, drove over to the Enchanted Highway, where seven metallic structures were built.  I took pictures out of order, so if you are more organized, you'll recognize which ones are not.

MS #1 - Geese in Flight - seen on I-94 WB & the start of the Enchanted Highway

MS #2 - Deer Crossing

MS #3 - Grasshoppers

MS #5 - Pheasants on the Prairie - probably my favorite of all of them.

MS #6 - Teddy Roosevelt Rides Again

MS #7 - Tin Family - first of the sculptures to be created

Cool! - Knight vs. Dragon

I assume this is the Enchanted Castle, though as it was getting dark, I couldn't go inside as I didn't want to travel back to my hotel in the dark on roads with no lights.

There was a sign pointing to this along the Enchanted Highway at MS #7, but I forgot what this is called.

MS #4 - Fisherman's Dream.  I missed this the first time because I was distracted by 3 tin cans on the other side of the road & I did not have google maps on at the time to tell me to turn.

Bonus fact about Geese in Flight - There are poles with geese on top of them lining the roadway up to this structure.

On Monday, I traveled to the North Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park.  For whatever reason, this unit is Central Time Zone (Chicago) & less than a mile south of the entrance is Mountain Time Zone (Denver). Go figure.

Tilted Rock

More Tilted Rock

I travel up to River Bend Overlook so I can get a great view of the Little Missouri River.  I exit my car...and no sooner than I close the door is when I see 11 bison less than 20 feet in front of me cross the grassy environment toward the roadway to the right leading toward Oxbow Overlook. 

I saw this sign AFTER the scare of my life.

After a pause for a few minutes to make sure no more bison were in the area, & another pause of a minute after reading the above sign (there's no way I run as fast as 10 miles an hour now), I did get a few good pictures of the view at the overlook.

The problem is, after the bison scare, I was thoroughly affected.  I didn't try to go down to that little structure you saw above, & I didn't even finish the Little Mo Nature Trail below because I kept getting a feeling of more bison in the area.

On my way out of the park, I did take a picture of the Long X Trail where two brothers led cows through the little Missouri valley in this picture.

To calm myself down, I visited the Dickinson Musuem Center & Badlands Dinosaur Museum. I stumbled on an unlabeled typewriter used to teach typing in the 1930s.

Beach High School, Used to teach typing, keys are not labeled

There were also some art pieces produced by children for an art contest that I thought were excellent.

After the Museum, I went back to the hotel & walked to my second drop-in place, CrossFit Amicus. You can see pictures from my visit on my Instagram page here. My home gym, CrossFit Treehouse, was doing Cindy this week in preparation for Murph. I told my friends in the thread that if no one did Cindy, I would find a pullup bar separately to do it.  Well, CrossFit Amicus was doing Half Murph as their WOD on Monday.  No more need to find a separate pullup bar!  BTW, my classmates cheered me on even though I was the last one to finish (33:44).

Please bear with me, I had notes written about Tuesday's trip from Dickinson to Rapid City, including a trip to Mount Rushmore & the Presidential statue Scavenger Hunt & a visit to Press Start Arcade that I lost!!  I will try to recount as much as I can from the lost notes.

1) Once I left Dickinson, ND, I didn't see another traffic light until Rapid City, SD, a span covering over 3 hours & 12 minutes!! (I don't remember when I left the Dickinson boundary, somewhere after 8:49 am, but the time of the traffic signal in Rapid City was 12:12pm.)

2) It was a dream, driving down these two lane state roads with very few cars on them. (Exception the dirt roads between SD 79 / SD 34 & when I boarded I-90 East

3) Looking ahead to the Thursday trip, there were three separate occasions between where I boarded & Sioux Falls where one direction of I-90 was closed & traffic was separated by thin cone sticks on the other direction for two way traffic to proceed.

4) The path I chose to go Dickinson to Mount Rushmore did have a 2 hour 36 minute stretch of no gas stations. Newell, South Dakota ended that streak as there were gas stations a quarter to a half mile to the south after this post.

Mount Rushmore was a lot of fun. The accessible part of the President's Trail will give you most of the closer good views you need.  The 250 steps they claim to be strenuous aren't bad if you start on the accessible side as the 250 steps will go down.  The 250 steps are also scattered. What did surprise me was this statistic that I saw.

Getting selfies by yourself is difficult.  My IG has another attempt that makes me look even older.

Avenue of the Flags is arranged in alphabetical order.

You didn't think I was going to pass this selfie up, did you?

The zero deaths stat was very surprising.

I then went on a scavenger hunt for the presidential statues. The local Mount Rushmore Society Office in Rapid City has a folder with all the presidential statues locations & 10 pictures you have to find.  Two statues were removed due to construction & I believe one of them had the missing picture I couldn't find. I did find the 9 other pictures, so I brought my scavenger hunt scorecard in the next day (Wednesday), pointed out the problem, & they still gave me the reward for a completed scorecard, which was a water bottle that contained a few stickers & a 10% discount off items bought in the store. I had to bring it in Wednesday since they were closed when I was finished at 6pm.

Instagram did a terrible job of cropping pictures, so I am going to present some of the funny selfies I took on this scavenger hunt, along with beautiful traffic signal controllers overlaid with artwork (except bison, those did not get pictures taken. I don't like any kind of bison whether they move 30 miles per hour or have iron fists), a speed limit 20 sign in the downtown area, & pictures of my next stop on the trip.

Lincoln & I both looking down in a sense.

Millard Fillmore wondering what I am doing.

When I saw this statue of William Henry Harrison, I somehow thought the face looks like a movie actor.

20 mph is very unusual in my profession as a speed limit outside of private residential or retail areas.

You better believe I was going to check Press Start, the Video Game Arcade Place after the scavenger hunt.

I can't believe this is the same president (Taft) that was rumored to have gotten stuck in a bathtub. He looks like he is posing as a baseball pitcher!

Press Start has a Super Mushroom Light!

I really like this selfie where Ford looks one way & I look another.

Eisenhower & I looking ahead.

Benjamin Harrison & I looking at the ground.

After the scavenger hunt, I changed into Knicks Toad (the same character I dress up as on the NBA talks Podcast I occasionally do with my friends on i80 Sports) & went inside Press Start.

Knicks Toad ready to Press Start!

Luigi has a Mario Party game to check out!

I wish I wasn't driving so I could drink off this menu.

Standard Fake Alcoholic Drink you know I consume.

I love the no smoking or vaping sign.

The Smash Bros. Pizza - Pepperoni Bacon Cream Cheese

Sonic in Blacklight Art

Humorous Employees Only Sign

The next day (Wednesday), I went to South Dakota Air & Space Museum.  Right now, this is an outdoor only museum, as the interior is closed for renovations. (Be sure to wear jackets & extra sweaters as necessary).  I will show you planes that had my favorite descriptions &/or nicknames &/or stories.

F-105B Thunderchief, nicknamed Thud.

Air crews & ground crews accepted the nickname.

O-2A Skymaster, nicknamed the "Duck".

Most planes have nicknames.  

I don't know why this F-86H Sabre was nicknamed Miss Janet & there was no one on site to try to answer this question.

There was also an interesting photo of General Dwight D. Eisenhower & his marks on being a pilot on this site.

After dropping by the Mount Rushmore Society location to deal with the end of the scavenger hunt, I picked up at the place a book on flag care. (If I ever get my own house, I would consider displaying flags.)

Later that day, I visited Kados CrossFit. The exciting thing about this WOD was that it was a choose your own adventure WOD!! The coach & the other athletes were awesome about cheering you on, & several of us got to talk afterward.  Unlike the first two places, they actually had t-shirts for purchase, so I was able to get a t-shirt for myself as part of my drop in, & then two t shirts for my sister & her husband.

One of the coaches at Kados mentioned I should visit Badlands National Park on my way driving east on Thursday from Rapid City to Sioux Falls. I was concerned as this was already going to be a long drive, but I think the detour was worth it.  If I had to do Wednesday & Thursday again, I would do Badlands on Wednesday & SD Air & Space on Thursday so as to minimize the added driving on Thursday & give Badlands more time to visit.  You can see some pictures here.  The views were really nice.  It was windy again, so any videos I might have taken got my voice at least partially drowned out.

By the way, after Badlands, I started driving east knowing I wanted to go to Chamberlain Rest Stop & World's Only Corn Palace before getting to Sioux Falls.  There were two areas of part of I-90 closed for construction in one direction with the traffic redirected to the other direction as discussed earlier.  Other oddities noticed while driving were:

1) part of the highway is red in color - I thought I was driving on never-ending tennis courts.
2) There were parts of I-90 set up for closure for random events that necessitate closing of the highway.  Parts of the setups include gates & signs with flashers ready to turn on at the correct command of the responsible state official.
3) Time zone changes can really be hard to navigate planning & executing.

I am glad I got to visit Dignity and Lewis & Clark at the Chamberlain Rest Stop. There really should be more signs on I-90 highway, but I was lucky to know about this before the trip started.  My original plan was to eat a quick lunch & then go to the World's Only Corn Palace. However, it was already past 3:15 pm CDT & the corn palace at 1 hour & 9 minutes away was only open until 5 pm. So, I had to skip lunch & drive to Mitchell, SD

As my friend said, you don't direct a trip to South Dakota solely for the Corn Palace, but if you happen to be visiting, you could visit.  The Corn Palace actually has a basketball court in it to host basketball games & is apparently hosting a circus on Monday, April 25. What surprised me more was the connection of Mike Miller to the Palace & Bob Barker to South Dakota.  You might remember Mike Miller winning at least 1 NBA title with the Miami Heat when teamed up with Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade, & LeBron James. And of course, everyone remembers Bob Barker as the legendary host of the Price is Right until about 2007 or so.

The concession stand was open, but I opted not to eat anything there.

I completed my drive to Sioux Falls, & walked over to the nearby mall to get food. I know I debated sightseeing in Sioux Falls today prior to the trip, but I think I made theright choice to not do so as my body was mostly tired from the long drive & it was snowing & hailing today at some point!! So I spent today finishing up the blogposts.  Stay tuned for the Chess portion of State No. 34 soon!
