Tuesday, September 19, 2017

State No. 19 - Iowa

Madison County Bridges

First off, I apologize for the delay in writing this blog post.  I meant to write this the day after I got home, but I didn't get around to it & had to attempt to prepare for my annual house of horrors tournament (NJ Open), where I am now -16 in my career.  [It is the strongest tournament I play in regularly & I regularly struggle in this tournament.  However, since this is my second closest tournament I regularly play in & this is my home state, I am obligated to play in it.]

The first thing I opted to do on the trip was drive around & visit all 6 bridges of Madison County.  The trip takes about 4 hours, & you are driving mostly on dirt roads as you go from bridge to bridge.  Many of these bridges are not at the original locations, but it is still amazing to see the construction they did on these covered bridges in the 1800s.

By the way, if you do this trip, your phone or camera should be more than 30% full.  Having to constantly use my wireless charger was a very interesting experience.  (My spare camera was not charged & that battery died at the first bridge.)  I should have imitated the last leg of the bridges trip & just used the map & the guide signs to preserve phone battery.

Location: Imes Bridge

This bridge had a signing that I interpreted as Cranford.  I joked with my friends from Cranford, NJ that someone wrote Cranford 2017 on this bridge

Location: St. Charles Welcome Center

For some reason, I recognize the Little Golden Book symbol/company, though I never had this particular book when I was younger.

Well, If I ever get lucky enough to raise a kid, I suspect this would be good to read to said kid. (Yes, I did purchase this.)

Location: Cedar Covered Bridge 

This bridge was burned for the second time early in 2017.  A random couple did the engraving customs that couples like to do on these bridges in 2016.  They broke up, & the guy wanted to remove the engraving, so he set the bridge on fire.  The arsonist was arrested, along with two others.  

The local government & historical agencies are attempting to raise money to rebuild the bridge.  The facebook page below has more information on this.


Location: Roseman Bridge

Now, apparently there is a book & movie in the romance category titled The Bridges of Madison County.  While out here, I did not tell anyone that I have not read the book or seen the movie - they just all assumed I did at least one of the two.  This bridge is the one featured in the movie.

I consulted with my friend Squared for eating recommendations, & she pointed out Bluebird Cafe to me as part of her recommendations.  This place was so good, I wrote a 5-star yelp review (https://www.yelp.com/biz/bluebird-cafe-north-liberty, look for my username thekecmaster) & my first 5-star facebook review (username: thekecmaster) of this place.  Look for this place in North Liberty, Iowa.

However, in addition to that, the menu has a description using the phrase "...other whole positive integers."

When a friend with a mathematical nickname recommends a great place with a mathematical reference in their menu, well, that's hard to top!

Odd notes: I had the same waitress when I ate at Bluebird Cafe on Friday night & Saturday morning.  (Yes, it was that good that I went back.)  I saw the same person eat at Bluebird Cafe Saturday morning & at a random Panera Bread closer to the tournament hotel on Sunday morning!  #greatmindsthinkalike

Location: Iowa River Landing Wetland Park

I stayed at the Coralville Marriott, & behind the hotel is the Iowa River Landing Wetland Park.  I think it used to be a brownfield redevelopment site, but they did a fantastic job of transforming the site.  There is a metal walkway & a path on the non-hotel side around the park.

I ate at Fuzzy's Taco Stand & Scratch Cupcakery & enjoyed both places.  I took home the souvenir cup & a shirt, respectively.

The chess playing was so-so, though I was not the only person to struggle.  A WGM playing in this event managed only a second round draw in the first two rounds.  I lost the first two games & won the last 3, losing 7 rating points in the process.

The last round was interesting as my opponent didn't castle & I opted to chase the king throughout the game.  This was one of those classic themes where the a player wastes time in the opening & ends up forfeiting the right to castle.

And that concludes State No. 19.  #fiftystatesofchess